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  • Your personal stem cells expert.

Improved Erectile Function

Improved Erectile Function

In patients with impotence (erectile dysfunction), stem cell therapy is the most successful treatment modality in erectile dysfunction in the world in terms of both ease of the treatment and definite successful results.

  • Stem cell therapy in impotence completely eliminates the problem of erectile dysfunction as they touch and transform into the cells that provide erection in the penis.
  • Treatment can be performed on patients of any age who have erectile dysfunction.
  • Stem cells taken from the patient are multiplied in stem cell laboratories and administered to the patient intravenously and/or by injection into the penis.
  • Stem cell therapy achieves at least 50% improvement in patients with erectile dysfunction (impotence) after initial administration while providing definitive results in ongoing administrations.

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is the inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. Erection is a process that occurs by the effects of physical, hormonal, and psychological factors. Failure to get an erection is a functional problem. While there may be many reasons for erectile dysfunction, it is the testosterone known as the male hormone that regulates the process.

What are the symptoms of erectile dysfunction?

A single erectile dysfunction does not lead to the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction. If erectile dysfunction is a frequent or ongoing problem during intercourse, then it is a symptom of Erectile Dysfunction.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction Disease

Psychological Causes

In some cases, an erection occurs during masturbation, but not during sexual intercourse. In such cases, the cause of impotence is usually psychological. This is called temporary impotence. The source of the problem is usually the stressful lifestyle, work-family-environment relationships of people.

Organic Disorder

The problem of impotence arises over time. It is perceived as a natural result of aging in elderly patients. When these patients are admitted to a doctor, their complaints are usually ongoing for more than 6 months.

Often, an additional health problem is observed, such as diabetes which causes an organic disorder, atherosclerosis affecting the artery, hypertension or hyperlipidemia. In addition, nighttime erections and morning erections are reduced or absent in these patients.

Cardiovascular Diseases

Erectile dysfunction may be caused by heart diseases. Impotence occurs approximately 3-5 years before symptoms of cardiovascular occlusion occur. The presence of erectile dysfunction is known to increase the risk for serious cardiovascular disease by 25% within 5 years. Therefore, erectile dysfunction may be one of the early symptoms of cardiovascular disease.


Diabetes plays an important role in the causes of erectile dysfunction. Impotence problem is seen in 35-90% of diabetic patients. Erectile dysfunction progresses more rapidly in patients with diabetes than in other patients. Erection problems are seen 3 times more in diabetic patients compared to people without diabetes.

Nerve damage in the penis or pelvic area

Surgical operation in the pelvic area (prostate and bladder surgeries) – Radiation therapy to the pelvic region

Low testosterone levels, loss of desire

Testosterone regulates sexual behavior in men and women. It is the main determinant of sexual desire. Low testosterone levels can lead to loss of desire and impotence problems.

Other Factors

A number of risk factors such as obesity, smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and lack of exercise can lead to both erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular diseases. Erectile dysfunction may also concur with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Erectile dysfunction is more common in individuals with complaints such as frequent urination, waking up at night for urination, and the urge to urinate. As the severity of these complaints increases, erectile dysfunction also progresses.

Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

In order to apply the most appropriate treatment, the cause of erectile dysfunction should be understood and a correct diagnosis should be made. After considering the medical and sexual history of the patient, the treatment process is initiated upon the evaluation of the necessary tests. Drug therapy, herbal treatments, injection methods can be used.

Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction with Stem Cells

After the examination of the patient’s history and the necessary tests are completed, the type of stem cell therapy to be applied for the patient will be determined.

Stem cells have the ability to turn into the cells they have touched, and that being the case, they are used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (impotence). Stem cell therapy, unlike other treatment methods, is intended to eliminate the cause of erectile dysfunction with a natural method.

The penis has a sponge-like structure that is filled with blood when stimulated. Stem cells turn into the sponge-like tissue acting as a muscle inside the penis and allow this tissue to be functional again. This is the way how the penis will be able to be functional again. The increase in penile function varies between a minimum of fifty percent and a maximum of 3 hundred percent in a single cure and the treatment is completed.

Stem Cell Treatment Method

The number of cells to be administered is determined by the age, weight, and condition of the patient. Treatment is carried out using mesenchymal stem cells (derived from the patient’s own adipose tissue or bone marrow) or fetal stem cells. The treatment of the patient is decided according to the condition of the patient.

It can be performed in 3 sessions 45 days apart or in 2 consecutive days. While intravenous (through vascular access) administration is performed, an injection is made to sperm-producing ducts in the testis. The treatment protocol is precisely determined according to the patient’s condition and a different protocol may be applied for each patient.

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