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  • Your personal stem cells expert.

What Is Stem Cell Banking?

Just imagine a longer, potentially healthier life for your unborn children that would not have been possible, just a generation ago.

We want you to have the information you need for you to start making informed decisions. So, we’ve put together this back-to-basics blog: what exactly IS stem cell banking (or placenta banking?) And, is banking stem cells a good idea?

The Future Looks Bright

Just as antibiotics revolutionized medicine in the last century, the new millennium has surely given us one of the most life-affirming developments ever: a way to harvest stem cells for highly effective, regenerative medicine.

In other words, a way in which human cells, organs or tissues can be replaced or repaired – or even start to function properly for the very first time.

Stem Cells and Stem Cell Banking: How It Works

In a nutshell, when babies are born, the blood in the umbilical cord is rich in stem cells. These are unique cells that, given the right chemical or genetic signals can go on to form more specialized cells of different shapes, sizes, and functions.

After a few more cycles of division, they can become even more specialized, with properties that scientists can use to treat the root cause of health issues. Heart disease, for example. Spinal cord injuries. Dementia. Even cancer. Far too many to list here.

Babies have lots of stem cells, as you can imagine. Like building blocks, they’re essential for natural body growth and repair.

When we age, we lose these cells. Or rather, we have fewer of them in relation to the other cells in our bodies.

Therefore, it makes sense to store them when they are at their most plentiful. Which is: soon after birth. If you think about it, your baby’s cord blood could even save his or her life (or their siblings’ lives), in future years.

Hence, stem cell banking

What is Stem Cell Banking?

Quite simply, stem cell banking is the collection and cryogenic storage (ultra-low temperatures) of a newborn infant’s stem cells in their umbilical cord blood and tissue. In the future, scientists can then use them in cell treatments or in clinical trials.

You can specify that they’re sole to be used to benefit your child or your family or, to help others, be made available publicly.

The collection process is non-intrusive – after all, you will just have given birth! Moreover, it’s painless and completely safe.

Equally, babies don’t follow due to date timetables. They arrive when they feel it’s time. And, not before.

Author: Dr. Randy Donalds

Dr. Donalds, MD, has 15 years in family medicine including sports medicine and global health initiatives; has a two-year fellowship in health services research. He serves residents in the city and across the county and provides online consultations on demand.

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